This is the age of intellectual democracy. In a frightening departure from millennia of human tradition, everyone is now an expert in everything. Turn on the television or surf Internet news services. We somehow believe that polls of individuals are useful for guiding policy, in everything from international politics to morals and religion. Legislators and marketing experts trust this information, as if masses of humans had extensive experience in diplomacy and warfare, in economics and federal tax structures, rather than what so many do have expertise in; video games and the accumulated out-takes from American Idol.
It’s especially odious in the world of medicine. How many times do we argue with patients that they don’t need an antibiotic or x-ray, admission or laboratory test? A family once skeptically asked me to show them the x-ray I had taken of their child, who swallowed a coin. Once they saw it, they were satisfied that I hadn’t missed anything. They weren’t radiologists, but they were experts. Because any idiot can be a physician, right?
Many things have contributed to this maddening state of affairs. On some level, it’s good. Americans should be a people willing to ask questions. This willingness to stand against authority is what made us, and continues to make us, a great nation. It’s also what drives other countries crazy…we don’t just settle for platitudes and ‘because I said so,’ on either side of the political spectrum.
But there’s more. Some of this sense of general expertise also stems from the business and customer service model that perpetuates everything from retail stores to medicine and government. It teaches people that because they are the customer, they are always right. They can complain, cajole, refuse to pay and endlessly badger anyone in a business or position of authority. And because we dread to tell them no, to disagree, to (G-d forbid) not believe them, they get what they want. Ergo, they become tiny little tyrannical experts in everything from cell-phones to angioplasty.
Furthermore, the Internet has blossomed with information ready for the taking. Go to any medical information site and you can learn enough to ask endless questions of your physician and leave them miserable, even though what you have is just that…information. It isn’t the same as experience and it doesn’t compensate for years of practice. Add to that the explosion of assorted ancillary health fields, and the millions of persons yearning to ‘work as a medical professional’ and we are inundated with patients and their assorted spouses, parents, in-laws and cousins twice removed, all of whom have completed medical assistant’s programs and suddenly know as much or more than we, with our pathetic little DO’s or MD’s.
I have conversations with family members who say ‘well, I know you don’t think anything is wrong, but my sister is in LPN school, and she says I have pneumonia and I need antibiotics!’ Let’s see: LPN school, one year. Board certified emergency physician, 11 years, plus 13 years in practice. Oh, I can see why the LPN is smarter than me! I don’t have enough education or experience! Or I don’t wear cute scrubs with bunnies or John Deere tractors on them. Sometimes patients look at me and say, ‘well, I think I need some more tests done.’ ‘Fine,’ I say, ‘what tests do you want?’ ‘Oh, I don’t know, you’re the doctor!’ Precisely the point.
The plain truth of the matter is this: we are the experts. After sacrificing years to be educated, and surrendering much of our health, longevity and sanity to work at all hours and learn the complexities of treating sick and injured humans, we deserve the respect we have earned. We have surrendered it too easily to insurance industry representatives with business degrees, who can deny care over the phone; to consultants in marketing; to intermediate care providers and assorted health-care administrators. But when it all comes down to brass-tacks, whose name always shows up on the chart? Who goes to court? Who is accountable for all of it? The physician. The expert. The final word.
It’s time we took it all back. We are the ones who know the way a person looks when they’re about to die. We know how to interpret the x-rays and electrocardiograms. We know whether to worry about that blood-pressure or not. We know when to operate, and when to send someone home. We physicians know, intimately, the way the human heart sounds, and the way the pulse feels in the well and in the afflicted. We recognize the smile of the sick child and the blank stare of meningitis; the blue cast of blood from a ruptured spleen and the gasp of the pulmonary embolus.
It is our education, coupled with the experience of practice, the experience of touching, smelling and seeing and listening to thousands and thousands of persons in every phase of living and dying, that grants us the right to say no and yes to our patients, to agree or to disagree with their myriad and often unreasonable desires. It is this that should, if we were wise, put us in the driver’s seat of the future of medicine, rather than letting it be guided by the mass of people, or the tottering inefficiency of government guidelines.
So here is our announcement: Attention patients and families of patients, regulators, government officials, commentators, angry bloggers and reporters: I am the physician. That makes me the expert. I realize that we live in the age of polls, surveys, empowerment and self-help. I realize that the opinion of the masses generally matters more than the opinion of the educated. But as one of the educated, as one of those who considers his opinion more valid than many others, let me say what most physicians are too nice to say. Medicine is not a democracy. I appreciate your opinion, and you may accept or refuse anything I offer. You may even tell me what you think, and what has worked before. But I get the final vote. I have earned that vote through years of caring for the sick, and I am accountable for my mistakes, as is evident by my very expensive malpractice insurance. You may refer me to any one of your resources or family members, but in the end, like it or not, one unassailable fact remains: I’m the doctor, not you. Deal with it.
That attitude is why it took me 5 days to convince a boatload of physicians that my husband did NOT have ITP. The fact that his internist and cardiologist didn’t think so did not impress them. 20 years of CBCs done on annual physicals did not impress them. They were doctors, damnit and I was only his wife (and a nurse), so I couldn’t possibly know ANYTHING. Finally I asked the right question. “Did you look at his labs from the referring hospital?” Turns out nobody had. Oops. Hematologist was called. Funny thing. He didn’t think my husband had ITP… Read more »
Judy, You’re right…we are imperfect. I freely admit that, and what you’re describing falls into hubris. I always listen to suggestions my patients make. But in the end, the responsibility still falls to me. Someone once asked me to bring an x-ray into their room so that they could confirm that their child’s swallowed coin was, indeed, gone. They weren’t radiologists, but they knew they knew as much as I. I’m constantly barraged by situations in which people confront me with why I should do what they want, not what’s right. It’s a different problem from yours, in some ways.… Read more »
17 years ago
I understand that the buck stops with you, but as a patient it sometimes really hard to phrase the question … is there anything else it could be? … because sometimes having lived in your body and knowing what “normal” is, doesn’t carry as much weight as it should.
[…] Dr. Leap: I’m the doctor, that’s why! By GruntDoc I’m the doctor, that’s why! (This months EMN column) at This is the age of intellectual democracy. In a frightening departure from millennia of human tradition, everyone is now an expert in everything. Turn on the television or surf Internet news services. We somehow believe that polls of individuals are useful for guiding policy, in everything from international politics to morals and religion. Legislators and marketing experts trust this information, as if masses of humans had extensive experience in diplomacy and warfare, in economics and federal tax structures, rather… Read more »
Fortunately no harm was done in the long run. There were other complicating factors which would likely have delayed the surgery in any case – including a very challenging crossmatch – and if it had become truly unsafe, they would have transfused platelets and O negative blood and gone on with the surgery. The drug which caused the problem has since been taken off the market for causing similar responses in other patients. It was a different situation, because I was asking questions, not telling them how to do their jobs. Frustrating on both sides, because they had a puzzle… Read more »
17 years ago
Wonderful column by EdwinLea. Judy, no one is perfect but you are still obviously upset. Edwin made a wonderful statement on how medicine should not be viewed as a business/customer model. Judy, no one is saying doctors should not listen to patients but simply that that patients are not exactly customers and that doctors have to balance many different things in their decision-making process all in the best interests of the patient who may not be in a position to realize or understand such. So, Judy, I’m sorry you had a bad experience and commented on such but what about… Read more »
17 years ago
I don’t normally ask for antibiotics nor do I pester doctors for tests. I don’t want antibiotics unless I have a bacterial infection and they can help; I don’t want an unnecessary CT or MRI. I don’t want to look at my X-rays. I may refuse a test occasionally if it appears defensive, but I do it without wasting anybody’s time. I do look up information on the web, but I rarely if ever discuss it with the doctor. But… I wish that when I was 33 I had asked my ObGyn to check my FSH and estradiol. I wish… Read more »
17 years ago
You may be accountable as far as medical liability, the patient is the one who is ultimately responsible because the patient is the one who has to live or die by the medical decisions that are made. Doctors aren’t slaves and shouldn’t have to provide care they don’t believe is necessary, obviously. But I don’t think that you can fairly complain in the same breath about patients who want to verify test results, look at films, talk to other providers, since its the patient who lives with the results (or not). Yes, you have a lot more experience than the… Read more »
17 years ago
“The plain truth of the matter is this: we are the experts.” What a bunch of self-regarding BS. And, how much of what you do is evidence-based? Probably not more than 20%. The point is most of what doctors do is just winging it–or doing what they’ve been trained to do. In most cases, they cannot say with scientific confidence that what they do does, in fact, any good whatsoever. Patients must demand that whenever a physician recommends a course of treatment, he provides adequate citation to the most recent epidemiological data. If s/he cannot, the doctor must make explicit… Read more »
john hawkins
17 years ago
Yes you are the doc. I see you rarely and it’s usually the PA not you.
I’m not suer so don’t run all those extra tests. I can’t afford (don’t want to pay for) them. Don’t prescribe the latest drugs you heard about if there is a tried & true cheap one that works.
Give a reasoned explanation and I’ll follow your course of treatment like a lamb.
I hired you for your knowledge and skill but I am still the one who decides what I do with my body.
17 years ago
Dr. Leap Been reading your blog for a while now, and I love it! I’ve been a nurse for 3 years, ER for 1 year. Your most recent post reminded me of something that I wanted to vent on. I’ve always been aware that insurance dictates treatment far more often than it should- but I had a case last week that really cheesed me off. I guess this case really highlighted to me what the docs have been fighting with for years. Pt presented with typical symptoms of a kidney stone, and stated that this pain was similar to previous… Read more »
17 years ago
Wow . I mean so you spent many years in med school and residency rote memorizing lots of stuff and getting experience . That’s good. But how much you actually spent learning that particular issue your patient has? – Patient has more drive and desire to go extra mile and get information to the issue which is critical to him I mean not to diminish anything but medicine is not rocket science. Smart person can make good decisions based on right information even if he himself is not expert in the area. Instead docs consider themselves gods. I mean give… Read more »
17 years ago
I use to agree with everything you have just said. Until I was 38 years old I always had great respect for your profession. I would even tell people…”well, he is the doctor so obviously he knows what he is doing”. But, then my Dad began having chest pains and I began taking him to the ER. he had NEVER in his life been to an ER before. They treated him with an anti-acid and sent him home. Second trip, a little more anti-acid.. third trip I blew a gasket. He was admitted over night for observation with the message,… Read more »
mCA, I’m very sorry about your dad. Truly sorry. And I’ll tell you, I have to be talked out of admitting every 70 year old with chest pain. I think we’re better than ever at heart disease, and certainly ever more cautious. But again, I’m not saying doctor’s shouldn’t listen carefully to the concerns of patients and families. I’m not saying we should discount their concerns. I’m not saying we’re gods or infallible. I’m not saying that I’m a genius and patients are idiots. I’m not saying any of that. I’m saying that we live in a time when there… Read more »
17 years ago
Dr. Leap; It is with great frustration that I read your article in Emergency Medicine News. As a parent, of a six year old boy who was diagnosed with high risk stage IV neuroblastoma just prior to celebrating his second birthday and then progressing over upfront and secondary treatment modalities. Followed promptly by numerous pediatric oncologists across this great country of ours advise us to take him home and allow him to die with dignity. My boy is now six years old and off all anti-cancer treatments for over two years and free from the burden of neuroblastoma growing in… Read more »
17 years ago
Dr Leap, There are two issues you have identified in your article to which I am responding. In the first, I agree that medicine is not a democracy. It is, however, another consumer market in this day and age (not saying I completley agree with it.) However, we are not, nor should we become Burger Kings where everything is the patient’s or family’s way. I, like many colleagues, have experienced first hand consumer complaints when they do not get what they want, when they want it. Yes, they complain, badger, cajole, and refuse to pay to get what they want.… Read more »
17 years ago
Just a few words to the doubters in the comments (and yes I am late to this party, just going back through Dr. Leap’s archives, and I had to respond to this!): 1. As a second-year medical student, I am (for ONCE) uniquely qualified to tell you that the new crop of physicians is indeed being trained according to what is scientifically evident. We dread these weekly assignments in EBM (evidence-based medicine) because they are arduous and it’s a pain in the neck to go digging through PubMed for every ailment we encounter in our still-scary-and-foreign-to-us clinical scenarios. However, our… Read more »
Tom Ronnoc
16 years ago
I always show a lot of deference to physicians. When I’ve said said something like “I’m kind of suspecting an ulcer”; they are responsive and explain their thinking on the matter.If you tell a physician “I have fibromylagia and I expect you to run x tests and I’m going on Y regimen, then your regarded as potentially litigious and very likely a pain to treat.
Picture someone in your work place trying to establish themselves as an authority on your job.Is there anyway they are going to come out as being OK with you.
16 years ago
Doc, I mostly agree with what you had to say. If I did EM I would probably wind up in jail for going “postal” on someone due to the reasons you described. However, having said that, and totally agreeing with you (although not unconditionally) I have to make the following two comments : My Grandmother died because the chief of Gen Surg (i dont mean the chief resident) didnt do a proper suture somewhere along the arterial supply of the gallbladder. also, because the needle looks a Hell of a lot bigger from the other side. See, I am a… Read more »
Physician X
16 years ago
I agree with much of what has been said here. Practicing medicine is frustrating and much of the points made are true. The fact is though that “we are the doctor” and the buck does stop with us. There is a lack of respect today. As a physician you seem to be constantly resented because you earn a good living for working 80-100 hour work weeks and go days without sleep. I have come to the conclusion that many resent the fact that they did not have the desire or drive to go to college then medical school then residency.… Read more »
15 years ago
You sound like a good doctor.
But, in the interest of putting out a good product or service, it is a well established fact that we need the input of all affected parties. There is always a captain or boss, but for best results, the captain allows, no – demands input from everyone. This applies to the flight deck of an airliner or a business mgt meeting.
The more stubborn we become the bigger the “slap-down.” Just ask “the decider.”
Thanks for writing! You’re correct. However, even as I have a right to certain expectations of the airline industry (like not dying in fireball on approach), I don’t go to the flight-deck and try to tell the pilot how to interpret his gauges, or lecture him on avionics and the physics of flight.
There couple of interesting points at some point in this article but I do not know if I see these people center to heart. There exists some validity but I’m going to take hold opinion until I explore it further. Good post , thanks and now we want much more! Included with FeedBurner in addition
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That attitude is why it took me 5 days to convince a boatload of physicians that my husband did NOT have ITP. The fact that his internist and cardiologist didn’t think so did not impress them. 20 years of CBCs done on annual physicals did not impress them. They were doctors, damnit and I was only his wife (and a nurse), so I couldn’t possibly know ANYTHING. Finally I asked the right question. “Did you look at his labs from the referring hospital?” Turns out nobody had. Oops. Hematologist was called. Funny thing. He didn’t think my husband had ITP… Read more »
Judy, You’re right…we are imperfect. I freely admit that, and what you’re describing falls into hubris. I always listen to suggestions my patients make. But in the end, the responsibility still falls to me. Someone once asked me to bring an x-ray into their room so that they could confirm that their child’s swallowed coin was, indeed, gone. They weren’t radiologists, but they knew they knew as much as I. I’m constantly barraged by situations in which people confront me with why I should do what they want, not what’s right. It’s a different problem from yours, in some ways.… Read more »
I understand that the buck stops with you, but as a patient it sometimes really hard to phrase the question … is there anything else it could be? … because sometimes having lived in your body and knowing what “normal” is, doesn’t carry as much weight as it should.
[…] Dr. Leap: I’m the doctor, that’s why! By GruntDoc I’m the doctor, that’s why! (This months EMN column) at This is the age of intellectual democracy. In a frightening departure from millennia of human tradition, everyone is now an expert in everything. Turn on the television or surf Internet news services. We somehow believe that polls of individuals are useful for guiding policy, in everything from international politics to morals and religion. Legislators and marketing experts trust this information, as if masses of humans had extensive experience in diplomacy and warfare, in economics and federal tax structures, rather… Read more »
Fortunately no harm was done in the long run. There were other complicating factors which would likely have delayed the surgery in any case – including a very challenging crossmatch – and if it had become truly unsafe, they would have transfused platelets and O negative blood and gone on with the surgery. The drug which caused the problem has since been taken off the market for causing similar responses in other patients. It was a different situation, because I was asking questions, not telling them how to do their jobs. Frustrating on both sides, because they had a puzzle… Read more »
Wonderful column by EdwinLea. Judy, no one is perfect but you are still obviously upset. Edwin made a wonderful statement on how medicine should not be viewed as a business/customer model. Judy, no one is saying doctors should not listen to patients but simply that that patients are not exactly customers and that doctors have to balance many different things in their decision-making process all in the best interests of the patient who may not be in a position to realize or understand such. So, Judy, I’m sorry you had a bad experience and commented on such but what about… Read more »
I don’t normally ask for antibiotics nor do I pester doctors for tests. I don’t want antibiotics unless I have a bacterial infection and they can help; I don’t want an unnecessary CT or MRI. I don’t want to look at my X-rays. I may refuse a test occasionally if it appears defensive, but I do it without wasting anybody’s time. I do look up information on the web, but I rarely if ever discuss it with the doctor. But… I wish that when I was 33 I had asked my ObGyn to check my FSH and estradiol. I wish… Read more »
You may be accountable as far as medical liability, the patient is the one who is ultimately responsible because the patient is the one who has to live or die by the medical decisions that are made. Doctors aren’t slaves and shouldn’t have to provide care they don’t believe is necessary, obviously. But I don’t think that you can fairly complain in the same breath about patients who want to verify test results, look at films, talk to other providers, since its the patient who lives with the results (or not). Yes, you have a lot more experience than the… Read more »
“The plain truth of the matter is this: we are the experts.” What a bunch of self-regarding BS. And, how much of what you do is evidence-based? Probably not more than 20%. The point is most of what doctors do is just winging it–or doing what they’ve been trained to do. In most cases, they cannot say with scientific confidence that what they do does, in fact, any good whatsoever. Patients must demand that whenever a physician recommends a course of treatment, he provides adequate citation to the most recent epidemiological data. If s/he cannot, the doctor must make explicit… Read more »
Yes you are the doc. I see you rarely and it’s usually the PA not you.
I’m not suer so don’t run all those extra tests. I can’t afford (don’t want to pay for) them. Don’t prescribe the latest drugs you heard about if there is a tried & true cheap one that works.
Give a reasoned explanation and I’ll follow your course of treatment like a lamb.
I hired you for your knowledge and skill but I am still the one who decides what I do with my body.
Dr. Leap Been reading your blog for a while now, and I love it! I’ve been a nurse for 3 years, ER for 1 year. Your most recent post reminded me of something that I wanted to vent on. I’ve always been aware that insurance dictates treatment far more often than it should- but I had a case last week that really cheesed me off. I guess this case really highlighted to me what the docs have been fighting with for years. Pt presented with typical symptoms of a kidney stone, and stated that this pain was similar to previous… Read more »
Wow . I mean so you spent many years in med school and residency rote memorizing lots of stuff and getting experience . That’s good. But how much you actually spent learning that particular issue your patient has? – Patient has more drive and desire to go extra mile and get information to the issue which is critical to him I mean not to diminish anything but medicine is not rocket science. Smart person can make good decisions based on right information even if he himself is not expert in the area. Instead docs consider themselves gods. I mean give… Read more »
I use to agree with everything you have just said. Until I was 38 years old I always had great respect for your profession. I would even tell people…”well, he is the doctor so obviously he knows what he is doing”. But, then my Dad began having chest pains and I began taking him to the ER. he had NEVER in his life been to an ER before. They treated him with an anti-acid and sent him home. Second trip, a little more anti-acid.. third trip I blew a gasket. He was admitted over night for observation with the message,… Read more »
mCA, I’m very sorry about your dad. Truly sorry. And I’ll tell you, I have to be talked out of admitting every 70 year old with chest pain. I think we’re better than ever at heart disease, and certainly ever more cautious. But again, I’m not saying doctor’s shouldn’t listen carefully to the concerns of patients and families. I’m not saying we should discount their concerns. I’m not saying we’re gods or infallible. I’m not saying that I’m a genius and patients are idiots. I’m not saying any of that. I’m saying that we live in a time when there… Read more »
Dr. Leap; It is with great frustration that I read your article in Emergency Medicine News. As a parent, of a six year old boy who was diagnosed with high risk stage IV neuroblastoma just prior to celebrating his second birthday and then progressing over upfront and secondary treatment modalities. Followed promptly by numerous pediatric oncologists across this great country of ours advise us to take him home and allow him to die with dignity. My boy is now six years old and off all anti-cancer treatments for over two years and free from the burden of neuroblastoma growing in… Read more »
Dr Leap, There are two issues you have identified in your article to which I am responding. In the first, I agree that medicine is not a democracy. It is, however, another consumer market in this day and age (not saying I completley agree with it.) However, we are not, nor should we become Burger Kings where everything is the patient’s or family’s way. I, like many colleagues, have experienced first hand consumer complaints when they do not get what they want, when they want it. Yes, they complain, badger, cajole, and refuse to pay to get what they want.… Read more »
Just a few words to the doubters in the comments (and yes I am late to this party, just going back through Dr. Leap’s archives, and I had to respond to this!): 1. As a second-year medical student, I am (for ONCE) uniquely qualified to tell you that the new crop of physicians is indeed being trained according to what is scientifically evident. We dread these weekly assignments in EBM (evidence-based medicine) because they are arduous and it’s a pain in the neck to go digging through PubMed for every ailment we encounter in our still-scary-and-foreign-to-us clinical scenarios. However, our… Read more »
I always show a lot of deference to physicians. When I’ve said said something like “I’m kind of suspecting an ulcer”; they are responsive and explain their thinking on the matter.If you tell a physician “I have fibromylagia and I expect you to run x tests and I’m going on Y regimen, then your regarded as potentially litigious and very likely a pain to treat.
Picture someone in your work place trying to establish themselves as an authority on your job.Is there anyway they are going to come out as being OK with you.
Doc, I mostly agree with what you had to say. If I did EM I would probably wind up in jail for going “postal” on someone due to the reasons you described. However, having said that, and totally agreeing with you (although not unconditionally) I have to make the following two comments : My Grandmother died because the chief of Gen Surg (i dont mean the chief resident) didnt do a proper suture somewhere along the arterial supply of the gallbladder. also, because the needle looks a Hell of a lot bigger from the other side. See, I am a… Read more »
I agree with much of what has been said here. Practicing medicine is frustrating and much of the points made are true. The fact is though that “we are the doctor” and the buck does stop with us. There is a lack of respect today. As a physician you seem to be constantly resented because you earn a good living for working 80-100 hour work weeks and go days without sleep. I have come to the conclusion that many resent the fact that they did not have the desire or drive to go to college then medical school then residency.… Read more »
You sound like a good doctor.
But, in the interest of putting out a good product or service, it is a well established fact that we need the input of all affected parties. There is always a captain or boss, but for best results, the captain allows, no – demands input from everyone. This applies to the flight deck of an airliner or a business mgt meeting.
The more stubborn we become the bigger the “slap-down.” Just ask “the decider.”
Thanks for writing! You’re correct. However, even as I have a right to certain expectations of the airline industry (like not dying in fireball on approach), I don’t go to the flight-deck and try to tell the pilot how to interpret his gauges, or lecture him on avionics and the physics of flight.
Hey, is there a section just for latest news
Love it! This is cool! Thanks! 🙂
It’s upsetting when you find out that someone you follow isn’t following you back because now you have to murder them.
There couple of interesting points at some point in this article but I do not know if I see these people center to heart. There exists some validity but I’m going to take hold opinion until I explore it further. Good post , thanks and now we want much more! Included with FeedBurner in addition