Dear friends and family,

Every day, Jan is doing a little better.  Eating, drinking…slow but sure.  And she can talk now, though her voice is weak.  What a joy it has been to hear her voice!  She does laundry, she sits up all day with the kids.  (Who listen to her faltering voice better than they do to my strong one!)

But today a minor setback.  She’s really weak and passed out doing laundry.  So, it’s off to the cancer center for a blood count.  I believe she’s anemic from her last chemotherapy; but then, this is all new territory for me.

Of course, I’m out of town at a meeting today.  So our dear friend Lynn is taking her to the office.

Please pray for Jan to have strength, and to be encouraged.  She’s in the final stretch, we just have a little further to go.

I look forward to seeing her ‘rise up with wings as eagles; to run and not grow weary, to walk and not grow faint.’

Yours in Christ,


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