For those of you unaware, Jan had surgery Monday for a swollen lymph node in her neck. It turned out to be a metastatic squamous cell cancer. Usually only found in elderly men who smoke and/or drink excessively. The primary appears to have been some leftover tonsil tissue at the base of her tongue. (Tonsillectomy at age seven.) Her surgeon, the excellent Dr. Charles Theivagt, feels that he removed all of the primary, as well as the affected node and everything else in her left neck. (She had a modified radical neck procedure. Her comment? ‘I look like Frankenstein!’ She said it with a smirk. I think she looks just beautiful.)
She spent seven hours in surgery Monday. She came home yesterday. She is doing well, in great spirits. As you know, she hates to be sick or incapacitated. I don’t know if she is more 1) in pain or 2) simply annoyed by the inconvenience. She may need some radiation (or even some chemotherapy at worst-case). But apparently, according to our oncologists, pathologists and surgeon, these cell types do very well in young, otherwise healthy folks.
Thank you for your prayers and help. We trust God to see us through, and to heal our wife and mama completely. It has been an incredible, heart-wrenching, soul-draining ride. We went in expecting a branchial-cleft cyst or simple lymph node removal. And we were overwhelmed.
More, we’re amazed by the grace of God poured out in the love and prayers of friends and family, in the hope provided by scripture, in the comfort of hugs, food and those who have stayed with us and visited.
I think, oddly, that the trees we put up all over the house on Sunday are an encouragement. The lights of the Christmas season make our time of trial more hopeful.
If you would, please lift up Jan and I in prayer, and our children, Sam, Seth, Elijah and Elysa. We believe that she will be completely healed of this, and we would love your assistance.
PS If you are a friend or family who hasn’t heard, we aren’t trying to keep you out of the loop. We’re just still in recovery mode. It all happened rather fast!
It sounds as if you have been blindsided, which unfortunately is the way of cancer. I will keep Jan and you and your children in my prayers. God is with you in all of this and He will sustain you.
I will keep Jan and your family in my prayers. I hope she heals completely.
14 years ago
You, Jan and your family are in my prayers. She is so bless to have you guys.
Tracy Morgan
14 years ago
Dr. Leap,
Please know I will be praying for Jan, you and your children.Praying Psalm 91- please know your OCA family is here for you. Please let me know if we can do anything.
Partners in Prayer,
Tracy Morgan
Dodie Barr
14 years ago
Jan and family, We are praying for you all. If there is anything our family can do, please call on us. I will try to call later to see if you need anything. God is so good, and He will heal Jan.
14 years ago
Praying for Jan and for the whole family. I read your blog from time to time and enjoy your outlook very much and also appreciate your standing bold and compassionately for Christ our Lord. May He who watches over all of us grant peace, comfort and strength for Jan at this time. Amen.
Laurie Berg
14 years ago
Jan, Ed, Sam, Seth, Elijah and Elysa,
Please know the entire Berg family is praying ever so hard for Jan’s recovery and that God will give all of you the strength to get through it all. Our hearts are with you in this time. We love you all.
Laurie, Chris, Justin, Jake, Andrew and Luke
Roy Stingfellow
14 years ago
Give Jan our best as we pray for a speedy recovery after a very difficult surgery. We offer praise for a wonderful surgeon who obviously proved quite capable when performing a dramatic operation. We are relieved to hear that the outlook is good. We will continue to pray for a rapid recovery, courage and peace in dealing with any subsequent therapy, and complete healing.
14 years ago
So very sorry. Will be praying for all of you.
Earl Rhudy
14 years ago
Again, we are still praying for you and family. I pray that God gives you peace and comfort thru this. And of course,if there is ANYTHING that we can do, don’t hesitate to call us.
David & Lisa Lowery, Alexander, Adam & Tanner
14 years ago
Leap Family,
We were so sorry to hear about Jan. Please know that she has been in our prayers this week and will continue to be. Praying for her COMPLETE healing. Jan has too much to do in mama’ing those four babies to be sick! Which by the way she does SO EXTREMELY WELL!!! Jan is a wonderful person and I have always thought the world of her.
Love & Prayers,
David, Lisa, Alexander, Adam & Tanner Lowery
Mandy Davidson
14 years ago
Cancer is no match for Jan Mahon Leap! Jan is gonna Chuck Norris that cancer and make it forget how to spell its own name. Go, Jan! I love you!
Jeff & JoAnn Heaton
14 years ago
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God is the great physican he heals one way or another. Jan, I will pray for you because I understand Mom can’t be sick. Ed you are a wonderful husband and your love for Jan shows more than you know. You have great strong and faithful kids. God will get you through. Look up when the trials of this earth have you down. If anything is needed please let us know.
God Bless
jim and rosemarie gilbert (PRC)
14 years ago
Just read your blog. Will be remembering your whole family in prayer – what is “confusion” to us is “order” to God.We read Psalm 91 today….. may it be a blessing and comfort to you both. In Christian love.
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God bless .
It sounds as if you have been blindsided, which unfortunately is the way of cancer. I will keep Jan and you and your children in my prayers. God is with you in all of this and He will sustain you.
Ditto what Emmy said. So very sorry to hear.
I will keep Jan and your family in my prayers. I hope she heals completely.
You, Jan and your family are in my prayers. She is so bless to have you guys.
Dr. Leap,
Please know I will be praying for Jan, you and your children.Praying Psalm 91- please know your OCA family is here for you. Please let me know if we can do anything.
Partners in Prayer,
Tracy Morgan
Jan and family, We are praying for you all. If there is anything our family can do, please call on us. I will try to call later to see if you need anything. God is so good, and He will heal Jan.
Praying for Jan and for the whole family. I read your blog from time to time and enjoy your outlook very much and also appreciate your standing bold and compassionately for Christ our Lord. May He who watches over all of us grant peace, comfort and strength for Jan at this time. Amen.
Jan, Ed, Sam, Seth, Elijah and Elysa,
Please know the entire Berg family is praying ever so hard for Jan’s recovery and that God will give all of you the strength to get through it all. Our hearts are with you in this time. We love you all.
Laurie, Chris, Justin, Jake, Andrew and Luke
Give Jan our best as we pray for a speedy recovery after a very difficult surgery. We offer praise for a wonderful surgeon who obviously proved quite capable when performing a dramatic operation. We are relieved to hear that the outlook is good. We will continue to pray for a rapid recovery, courage and peace in dealing with any subsequent therapy, and complete healing.
So very sorry. Will be praying for all of you.
Again, we are still praying for you and family. I pray that God gives you peace and comfort thru this. And of course,if there is ANYTHING that we can do, don’t hesitate to call us.
Leap Family,
We were so sorry to hear about Jan. Please know that she has been in our prayers this week and will continue to be. Praying for her COMPLETE healing. Jan has too much to do in mama’ing those four babies to be sick! Which by the way she does SO EXTREMELY WELL!!! Jan is a wonderful person and I have always thought the world of her.
Love & Prayers,
David, Lisa, Alexander, Adam & Tanner Lowery
Cancer is no match for Jan Mahon Leap! Jan is gonna Chuck Norris that cancer and make it forget how to spell its own name. Go, Jan! I love you!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God is the great physican he heals one way or another. Jan, I will pray for you because I understand Mom can’t be sick. Ed you are a wonderful husband and your love for Jan shows more than you know. You have great strong and faithful kids. God will get you through. Look up when the trials of this earth have you down. If anything is needed please let us know.
God Bless
Just read your blog. Will be remembering your whole family in prayer – what is “confusion” to us is “order” to God.We read Psalm 91 today….. may it be a blessing and comfort to you both. In Christian love.