I received some very kind and supportive comments about my column on freedom yesterday.  I also received several that were disappointed and/or angry with my opinion.  Apparently, distrust of government isn’t fashionable now.  Now, as a columnist, I’ll take criticism.  That’s fine, and I have no animosity towards anyone who does it.  It’s the process of the American free press, and I celebrate it!  Furthermore, editors rather like angry letters almost as much as happy ones.  Both seem to keep readers coming back.  Same is true with blogs!

But I must say, isn’t it interesting that columns distrusting, and lashing out at, government were very fashionable during the last administration.  But now, columns expressing distrust of or frustration with government are considered inappropriate.

Did we lose our free speech or freedom of thought during the last election cycle?  I don’t remember that on the ballot.


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