Here’s the link to a great story.  Although the news media never gets the technicalities and chronology quite right in situations like this one, our emergency department staff (including yours truly) cared for this patient and I can absolutely say that his survival, neurologically intact, was a very real miracle.   There’s enormous power in good training, good teamwork, love for our patients and an ardent belief in what we usually consider impossible.

I work with the greatest nurses, respiratory techs, paramedics and secretaries in the world.  Their combined efforts, and God’s good grace, made this story a reality.  It sure wasn’t me.
There’s much we don’t understand, ladies and gentlemen, so much.  As the scriptures say, ‘For now we know in part, then we shall know fully, even as we are fully known.’

Officer Kirby, God has things for you to do, it appears.  As Richard Bach said in ‘Illusions,’ ‘Here’s a test to see if your work on earth is finished; if you’re alive, it isn’t.’


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