Jan is doing well, up and about.  Saturday she was Christmas shopping and Sunday we were in church.  (Less than one week after major surgery). Our Sunday School class put us in chairs in the middle of the room, and spent the entire class praying for us and over us.

Jan is bold and resolved; I am still a wreck of anxiety, and need to remember to pray and say scriptures in my mind.

I think a career in emergency medicine makes me always imagine the worst.  Please pray for me to have faith.  ‘I believe.  Help thou my unbelief.’  And obviously, pray for Jan’s healing and the childrens’ comfort.  And for a normal CT chest/abdomen/pelvis tomorrow.  I work this evening and it’s very hard to focus now because my worry level is high.

I know we are called to cast all our cares on Jesus.  It’s just difficult at times.  I strongly suspect this is a spiritual warfare issue for me.

Anytime you want to  e-mail or Facebook encouragement, scriptures or prayer, please feel free.  edwinleap@gmail.com.  I’ll forward to Jan.

Love to all.   Thank you for the incredible blessing you have been so far, in your prayers, your stories, your hugs and the food the local folks have brought.  You’re all awesome, and God is using you mightily, near or far, to comfort us and embolden us.


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