Currently, in American healthcare, experts are wringing their hands in confusion. I mean, people have insurance, right? And yet, healthcare is still expensive and dang it, people just keep going to the ER. Visits are climbing everywhere and I can speak from personal experience when I say that we’re tasked with more and more complex and multi-varied duties in the emergency departments of the 21st century.
I’m not a medical economist. I do have some thoughts on the well-intentioned but deeply flawed Affordable Care Act. However, I won’t go there right now. What I do want to address is the ‘go directly to the ER’ mentality of modern American medicine.
Call your physician. If it’s after hours, the recording for any physician or practice of any sort in America will have a message: ‘If this is an emergency, hang up and dial 911.’ It’s a nice idea. But of course, it presumes that everyone really understands the idea of emergency. In fact, they don’t. We understand that, or we try to, but we see lots of things that come in ambulances, or just come to the ER, that really aren’t.
‘I feel fine, but my blood pressure is up.’
‘I was bitten by a spider and I watch nature shows and I know how dangerous they are.’
‘I have a bad cold and I have taken two rounds of antibiotics. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow but I thought I’d just come on in to get checked out.’
The list goes on. In part, it’s because we do a poor job of educating people about their bodies and their illnesses. Online searches usually result in someone self-diagnosing Ebola or cancer, so that doesn’t help much.
But in part, it’s because the ER, the ED, has become the default. Surgical patients are told to have wound rechecks in the emergency department. Kids with fevers are directed there by pediatricians or family doctors or secretaries. People who need to be admitted are sent in ‘just to get checked before they go upstairs.’ Or sometimes, so the physician on duty can do the negotiation with the hospitalist, rather than having the primary care physician do so.
Why is the ED the default? In 1986 Reagan championed and Congress passed EMTALA, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, which says you can’t turn anyone away for reasons of non-payment. Another well intentioned bit of government meddling, it never provided any funds for it’s expansive act of compassion so many emergency departments and trauma centers simply shut their doors. You can’t see patients for free all day and still meet your budget. I think something needed to be done, but it probably went too far.
Fast forward. Insurance is expensive even when the government mandates it. Whether for fear of litigation or due to over-booked schedules everyone else can always send patients to the ED day or night for any reason. We still function under EMTALA and that will never, ever change. Patients have little to no expectation of payment when covered by Medicaid and know it (and thus use the ED for everything, and I mean everything. We are seeing expanding life-spans for the elderly, but with more complex illnesses being treated and ‘survived.’ We have fewer and fewer primary care providers.
Who actually thought emergency department visits would decrease, and why? Did they ask anyone who saw patients on a daily basis? Or only lobbyists, administrators and progressive academics with starry-eyed fantasies?
I want to take care of everyone. But the Titanic that is emergency medicine in America is sinking. We really, honestly can’t bear the burden for all of the chaos of our national healthcare. And don’t tell me that if we have a single payer system it will change everything, because it won’t. EMTALA will go on and doctors paid by the feds will not be more productive than they are now, so everything will still flow to the emergency departments and trauma centers of the land.
This isn’t about rejecting the poor, or even criticizing Obamacare. It isn’t about single payer or Medicare for all. It’s about entrenched behaviors and facing the reality of the system we’ve created which allows one part of the system to attempt to carry the limitations of the rest.
Herb Stein, father of Ben Stein, famously said: ‘If a thing can’t go on forever, it won’t go on forever.’
And if its’ true anywhere, it’s true in the emergency departments of this great land of ours.
Where the answer to every crisis is: ‘hang up and dial 911.’
Agreed, great article. One thing I started doing the last few years is asking patients (who are able to converse), “Did you call your primary care doctor before you came?” I was honestly shocked at how many actually did, but the office wouldn’t get them in. One poor gentleman, elderly, with CHF exacerbation, had called several times in one day but no one would return his calls, finally at 4 pm they advised him to go to the ED. I do think our community docs are maxed out, understandably, but was quite shocked at some of the folks they were… Read more »
8 years ago
I agree with your thoughts about America’s mind-set in regard to ERs. For years, I’ve watched and wondered as I see people go to the ER for the most minor things. My ex-husband is a paramedic, and I remember the stories he would tell about the nature of some of his calls – one of the most memorable was the family whose young son swallowed an insect, and his mom dressed him in his Sunday best and called 911 to have him “treated.” I have always tried not to abuse the emergency system; unfortunately, this effort caused my family more… Read more »
len kearney
8 years ago
maybe a dumb question, but why isnt the hospital opening a 24 hour clinic – staffed with nurses and PAs and triaging people to the clinic instead of the ER?
A patient could always be upgraded to the ER if they needed it.
8 years ago
One major problem is that we cannot turn anyone away – no matter how minor – because of a bastardized EMTALA law. EMTALA was designed to ensure that no one was turned away from the ED for the inability to pay and also states that an ED can’t just send someone to another hospital either because the patient can’t pay or because the ED is too busy, or just wants to “dump” a problematic patient on another facility. Somehow, this got twisted into “every patient who presents to the ED MUST receive a medical screening exam.” It’s even more twisted… Read more »
8 years ago
***We understand that, or we try to, but we see lots of things that come in ambulances, or just come to the ER, that really aren’t. You don’t know that. Too many times patients are on gurneys and left in a hallway, ALL DAY without as much as a howdy do. You’re trained, I know that. Is compassion part of your training? I doubt it. “I have a bad cold, and I have taken two rounds of antibiotics. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, but I thought I’d just come on in to get checked out.” On this… Read more »
Jan Corbin
8 years ago
I’m old enough to remember there used to be PSA announcements as to what constitutes an emergency; they ran perhaps once a day on our local channels, with a reminder that emergency room care is very costly and you showing up with a non-emergent condition could cost a true emergency patient their life. Of course, those were the days when ERs could charge more for a non-emergency visit. And when hospitals weren’t enticed by added revenue from diagnostics and ER interventionists’ services. I have been in the healthcare documentation field for over 30 years and it appalls me that so… Read more »
7 years ago
Is it a California law that physicians must leave on their voicemail, the option for the member to call 911, i.e.:
The answering service or recorded message should instruct members with a life-threatening emergency to hang-up and call 911 or go immediately to the nearest emergency room. After-hour answering service or recorded message must provide a clear instruction on how to reach the physician or the designee (on-call physician) during after business hours. Physician or the designee must respond to urgent after -hours phone calls, messages, and/or pages within thirty (30) minutes.
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Agreed, great article. One thing I started doing the last few years is asking patients (who are able to converse), “Did you call your primary care doctor before you came?” I was honestly shocked at how many actually did, but the office wouldn’t get them in. One poor gentleman, elderly, with CHF exacerbation, had called several times in one day but no one would return his calls, finally at 4 pm they advised him to go to the ED. I do think our community docs are maxed out, understandably, but was quite shocked at some of the folks they were… Read more »
I agree with your thoughts about America’s mind-set in regard to ERs. For years, I’ve watched and wondered as I see people go to the ER for the most minor things. My ex-husband is a paramedic, and I remember the stories he would tell about the nature of some of his calls – one of the most memorable was the family whose young son swallowed an insect, and his mom dressed him in his Sunday best and called 911 to have him “treated.” I have always tried not to abuse the emergency system; unfortunately, this effort caused my family more… Read more »
maybe a dumb question, but why isnt the hospital opening a 24 hour clinic – staffed with nurses and PAs and triaging people to the clinic instead of the ER?
A patient could always be upgraded to the ER if they needed it.
One major problem is that we cannot turn anyone away – no matter how minor – because of a bastardized EMTALA law. EMTALA was designed to ensure that no one was turned away from the ED for the inability to pay and also states that an ED can’t just send someone to another hospital either because the patient can’t pay or because the ED is too busy, or just wants to “dump” a problematic patient on another facility. Somehow, this got twisted into “every patient who presents to the ED MUST receive a medical screening exam.” It’s even more twisted… Read more »
***We understand that, or we try to, but we see lots of things that come in ambulances, or just come to the ER, that really aren’t. You don’t know that. Too many times patients are on gurneys and left in a hallway, ALL DAY without as much as a howdy do. You’re trained, I know that. Is compassion part of your training? I doubt it. “I have a bad cold, and I have taken two rounds of antibiotics. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, but I thought I’d just come on in to get checked out.” On this… Read more »
I’m old enough to remember there used to be PSA announcements as to what constitutes an emergency; they ran perhaps once a day on our local channels, with a reminder that emergency room care is very costly and you showing up with a non-emergent condition could cost a true emergency patient their life. Of course, those were the days when ERs could charge more for a non-emergency visit. And when hospitals weren’t enticed by added revenue from diagnostics and ER interventionists’ services. I have been in the healthcare documentation field for over 30 years and it appalls me that so… Read more »
Is it a California law that physicians must leave on their voicemail, the option for the member to call 911, i.e.:
The answering service or recorded message should instruct members with a life-threatening emergency to hang-up and call 911 or go immediately to the nearest emergency room. After-hour answering service or recorded message must provide a clear instruction on how to reach the physician or the designee (on-call physician) during after business hours. Physician or the designee must respond to urgent after -hours phone calls, messages, and/or pages within thirty (30) minutes.