Would you like for this award winning writer to give a talk on ‘Life in Emergistan’ at your hospital?  Your medical school or residency?  Your conference?  Your pharmaceutical company?  Your board meeting?  Your church?  Your legislators?

(For the Emergistan reference, if you aren’t a regular reader, see blog post:  https://edwinleap.com/blog/?p=2134)

I’m available and I love spreading the word about what we do and how it really is  ‘in the trenches.  I’m passionate about discussing ways we can make the practice of medicine better, for physicians and patients alike.  I consider it part of my calling to encourage doctors young, old and aspiring to be proud of  our profession.   (Not to mention encouraging and entertaining paramedics, nurses and all the other excellent folks that inhabit our world.)  Furthermore,  it’s my desire to shine a little light on the reality of medicine today; especially in the emergency department, where things don’t look like they do on television.

(I also have a special place in my heart for those brave pre-med students out there, who endure all the negative press and continue on to medical school.  I’ve spoken to many of them, and we always have a great interaction, so contact me for your college or university!)

Drop me an e-mail at edwinleap@gmail.com and we’ll discuss it.  The world of medicine is changing, and we need to stick together, not only in our specialty but across specialty lines.

PS  I have other topics as well, as widely varied as rural emergency care, the value of self-evident truth, the ‘Board Exams for Life’ (especially relevant for students and residents) and the clinically oriented ‘Response to Radiation Accidents.’

Or, I can come up with one especially for your needs!

Let’s talk!


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