To my readers, new and old.  I love knowing that you visit my blog and enjoy my writing and links.  I have been at this for several years, and I need your help.

I would love to make the blog more interesting and more useful.  So, tell me what you’d like to see.  More links?  More AV?  More columns on specific subjects?

Do you want to see more on faith or medicine?  Less on politics or more humor? More on family? I can’t promise anything, but I’m curious what the reading populace wants to see.

And how about a podcast?  If I did one, would anyone listen?

Just curious.  Admittedly, I’m more of a writer of content than a blogger who puts up links.  But I can do that as well.

So please send me your input, and if you are a seasoned blogger, I’ll take any advice you might have.

I think it’s time to ‘take it up a notch.’



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