To my readers, new and old. I love knowing that you visit my blog and enjoy my writing and links. I have been at this for several years, and I need your help.
I would love to make the blog more interesting and more useful. So, tell me what you’d like to see. More links? More AV? More columns on specific subjects?
Do you want to see more on faith or medicine? Less on politics or more humor? More on family? I can’t promise anything, but I’m curious what the reading populace wants to see.
And how about a podcast? If I did one, would anyone listen?
Just curious. Admittedly, I’m more of a writer of content than a blogger who puts up links. But I can do that as well.
So please send me your input, and if you are a seasoned blogger, I’ll take any advice you might have.
Hey Ed. After our trip to the ER on Sunday night. My mother in law said you could write on the action in the waiting room. While she was waiting for us she said there was a lot of craziness going on out there. LOL. Hope you are doing well.
Carolyn Keese
13 years ago
I love reading what you write about, you seem to have a good variety,work,family,faith. I kind of think if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…but will enjoy whatever you decide to do in any new venture. Best to your family,have a blessed summer together!
I have enjoyed your blog for several years. The only thing that I don’t enjoy is the political blogs. I just don’t enjoy the debate anymore since everyone seems to have become so very polarized one way or another. I like the blogs about your family. Please tell Jan that she is still in my prayers. I think more about parenting a type one teenager would be interesting. But then, you should consider your son’s feelings on that subject. You would be blogging about his life. I’d like to see more about the patients that you enjoy seeing in the… Read more »
13 years ago
I dunno, Doc, I like the balance of the blog the way it is. Primum non nocere, you know?
13 years ago
I agree with Carolyn
13 years ago
Ed, I love the blog as is, just as other commenters obivously do. But I will say that the recent addition of auditory content that automatically comes on with opening the blog is very annoying. I would recommend removing that feature!
Keep up the good work!
13 years ago
I agree with Christie and thanks for taking that auditory off! 🙂
I really enjoy your faith comments as it helps lift my spirits and also keeping us up to date on your lovely wife is very interesting too. She is a gem (as are your children)!
Thanks for keeping up your blog.
Thanks for your personal marvelous posting! I seriously enjoyed reading it, you happen to be a great author.I will remember to bookmark your blog and will come back in the future. I want to encourage that you continue your great writing, have a nice afternoon!
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Hey Ed. After our trip to the ER on Sunday night. My mother in law said you could write on the action in the waiting room. While she was waiting for us she said there was a lot of craziness going on out there. LOL. Hope you are doing well.
I love reading what you write about, you seem to have a good variety,work,family,faith. I kind of think if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…but will enjoy whatever you decide to do in any new venture. Best to your family,have a blessed summer together!
I have enjoyed your blog for several years. The only thing that I don’t enjoy is the political blogs. I just don’t enjoy the debate anymore since everyone seems to have become so very polarized one way or another. I like the blogs about your family. Please tell Jan that she is still in my prayers. I think more about parenting a type one teenager would be interesting. But then, you should consider your son’s feelings on that subject. You would be blogging about his life. I’d like to see more about the patients that you enjoy seeing in the… Read more »
I dunno, Doc, I like the balance of the blog the way it is. Primum non nocere, you know?
I agree with Carolyn
Ed, I love the blog as is, just as other commenters obivously do. But I will say that the recent addition of auditory content that automatically comes on with opening the blog is very annoying. I would recommend removing that feature!
Keep up the good work!
I agree with Christie and thanks for taking that auditory off! 🙂
I really enjoy your faith comments as it helps lift my spirits and also keeping us up to date on your lovely wife is very interesting too. She is a gem (as are your children)!
Thanks for keeping up your blog.
Thanks for your personal marvelous posting! I seriously enjoyed reading it, you happen to be a great author.I will remember to bookmark your blog and will come back in the future. I want to encourage that you continue your great writing, have a nice afternoon!
I seriously like and appreciate your website article.Genuinely looking forward to browse far more. Will browse on…