Almost every significant gift I purchased was accompanied by an offer for an ‘extended protection plan,’ intended to repair the item, or replace it, if damaged.  My thought, after being offered this when purchasing a Big Wheel for a child, was ‘if it needs an extra warranty, is it really that sturdy?’

Fortunately, Christmas requires no warranty.  Christ is the same now as ever.  His life, work and redemptive sacrifice still as powerful as ever.  The gift will never break, however broken we are.  The gift will never be lost, however lost we were when we received it.

The gift is guaranteed for all eternity.  It needs no battery, and will never run out of power.  The gift is beautiful but will never need polishing or maintenance. The gift will always be useful.  The gift will never be irrelevant.  And we will never be disappointed with what the gift offers us, in this life or the next.

Merry Christmas!




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